11:00, my first experience for Nia dance, was great! My Chinese friend told me there is free Nia dancing for TV program today, and I went there:) Hopefully my dancing was not so awkward on TV (Swedish channel in Turku), luckily I do not have TV:) The instructer was very inspirational, energetic, and lively just the same as her fans told me... It is always nice for me to try new things and make life more colorful. Everyday will be a bit different at least. I have tried Lavatanssi in 2008 summer, and I enjoyed a lot dancing in Valasranta and other beautiful dancing places in Turku. Waltz is my favorite, minä tykkän tanssia valssia:)
12:00, after Nia dance, I went for lunch with a friend who is a librarian in university. We talked a lot about life experiences, which made me think that every choice will be paid at different "prices". I knew this by my heart. I chose to explore Europe for a total new life and journey, and I missed last days with my dad forever, and more will be ahead I guess, but I do not hope so! NO!
With these heavy thoughts I walked in the snow toward my office. I did not have much motivation to continue my project in Waste Management, mostly because I am afraid of writing my thesis! I am not good at writing, and now need to write my master my thesis in the third language-English. :( but luckily not in Finnish,
it will take at leaste 10 years to go I am afraid:)
17:20, nyt mennään Suomen kielin kurssiin:) Eilen kaksi virolaiset kertoivat minulle että "sä puhun hyvin suomea". Kiitos, mutta en uskon! Jo kyllä, minä haluan puhua suomea sujuvasti lähitulevaisuudessa.
P.S. A piece of advice for Finnish learners: Finnish language is not that difficult if you are determined to learn it! Without any stop just like Paavo Nurmi,keep running:)! I regretted I have stopped for a few times, but from now on I will not stop! Come on, let's learn together! Puhukaamme suomea:)
Onko hän nopein mies Suomessa? En mä tiedä. Mutta minä tykkän kenkistansä(his spirit?), koska hän juoksee tälläisen lumessä.:)
Hei! Kiitos viestistä oman blogilla! Tiedätkö www.livemocha.com ? Se on kieli oppiminen paikka. Se on ilmainen! Yritän suomea joka päivä, mutta se on todella vaikea ja hämäävä!
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Hi.. Thanks for your message on my blog. Do you know about www.livemocha.com? It is a language learning place. Its free! I try finnish every day, but it is really hard and confusing!
About your question...Henki is spirit, not Kenki and the K is a consonant change to a G with the I changing to an E. So, it would be hengestänsä in my opinion. Hope that helps.
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/henki - click the link on the page to see all the different declension endings! Sielu is also spirit.. but more 'soul'.
Best Wishes.. Michelle
Thanks for your information! I will try the website as well. Take care and good luck with everything!