This winter is the most beautiful since I came here in 2006. I do not need to travel to Lapland to feel the real snowy world. We stepped out of ferry back from Malta trip, so thrilled to feel the white winter. I love snow! Trees with snow look like elegant girls with white dresses. I walked to school everyday with my camera, and took the beautiful "girls" with my memories... People are looking at me, and I am like a tourist here. Turku is beautiful after all, I appreciate it from time to time. However, I miss my hometown and my dear friends back home. Sometimes I talk with them over internet for the whole Saturday. Asi es la vida:), always need to remind myself of the balance, and the fact that I can not desire all I like. Pros and cons always go hand in hand.
Strange icons happened in this post, I had to delete some photos sorry.

El invierno es hermoso en Finlandia!
A giant tree with "wedding dress", imagine when she starts to walk like in The Lords of the Rings:)

L'hiver est belle en Finlande!
Imagine yourself walking with me in the snow, you will say WOW too:)

The most beautiful basketball net I have ever seen:)
Mother's love is the same in every corner of the world!
Äidin rakkaus on sama joka puolella maailmaassa!
The famous running man got a snowy crown from the sky:)
Open the curtain, I saw this...

Time to burn some calories:) Menen hiihtomaan
Vastavierailulla! Voi kuinka iloinen olenkaan löydettyäni sinut! Näytät niin reippaalta suksinesi. Toivotan sinulle oikein hyvää jatkoa Suomen valkoisessa talvessa sekä kieliopinnoissasi. (Olen vallan kateellinen, sillä sinun suomesi on niin paljon parempaa kuin minun mandariinini.)
ReplyDeleteKiitos viestista sekä kohteliaisuudestä! Minulla on toinen vanha bloggi kiinaksi, ja tervetulla sillä:) Jos kirjoitin väärä suomeksi, korjakaa minun virheitäni, por favor:)
ReplyDeleteToivon sinullekin onnellista Mongolialaisen ja Kiinalaisen Uutta Vuotta! Paljon onnea!